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Website Terms Of Use

Website Terms Of Use

Find Details and Price about Website Terms Of Use,Welcome to Roc-tech, "collectively referred to as this website". In order to allow you to use the various services and information of this website with peace of mind, we hereby exp......
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The case about Website Terms Of Use

Welcome to Roc-tech, "collectively referred to as this website". In order to allow you to use the various services and information of this website with peace of mind, we hereby explain to you the privacy protection policy of this website to protect your rights and interests. Please read the following content carefully:

Collection and use of data

In order to provide you with excellent interactive services on this website, such as user registration, participation in various activities such as online or public forums, you may be asked to provide relevant personal information. The scope is as follows:

When you use interactive functions such as service email and contact us on this website, you will retain the information you provide, such as name, gender, age, date of birth, phone number, mailing address, address, email address, etc.

Unless obtaining your consent or other special provisions of laws and regulations, this website will never disclose your personal data to third parties or use it for any purpose other than the purpose of collection.

However, this website will provide personal information according to the requirements of law enforcement agencies or for public safety purposes. In this case, this website assumes no responsibility for any disclosure.

Scope of Application of Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy includes how this website handles personally identifiable data collected during your use of website services. The privacy protection policy does not apply to related linked websites outside of this website, nor does it apply to individuals who are not commissioned or involved in the management of this website.

External connections of the website

The webpage of this website provides network connections to other websites, and you can also access other websites by clicking on the connections provided on this website. However, this connected website is not applicable to the privacy protection policy of this website. You must refer to the privacy protection policy in this connected website.

Use of Cookies

In order to provide you with excellent service, our website may place and access our cookies on your computer. If you are unwilling to accept the writing of cookies, you can set the privacy level to high in the browser function item you are using, which can refuse the writing of cookies. However, it may result in some functions of the website not being executed properly.

Amendment to Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy of this website will be amended at any time as needed, and the revised terms will be published on the website.

——— END

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Website Terms Of Use

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